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Tag Archives museum

Why is Melbourne the best city to live in.

Since before I even set foot in Australia I’d already heard hundreds of people talking about how it was one of the best places to live,

Tasmania, a magical Aussie corner.

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Tasmania is a place that I’d heard about just a few times in my life; to be honest I didn’t know much about it until I arrived to Australia and started to investigate more about this island that seemed like a magical place.

Why Chicago stole our hearts.

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Chicago is a city that really captured my heart; from its buildings, food and people to its vibe in general.

5 things not to miss in Jaipur.

Jaipur is well known as the pink city of India, when I visited this city I was shocked, by its colors,

History and Culture in the city center of CDMX.

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Mexico City is without a doubt a very chaotic and big city, full of tall buildings, thousands of streets and too many cars,

Art Islands: Naoshima & Teshima

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The first time I heard about Naoshima was probably in the videos of Alan around the world (a very successful mexican traveler);

What to do in Berlin.

I’d always heard that Berlin was a gray and cold city, but I was glad to learn when I visited it that (in my personal opinion) it was the complete opposite!

Alberta’s Centennial City: Ottawa

The road from Muskoka Lakes to Ottawa was one of the longest we drove through, the whole trip ended up being almost 5 hours so we did get a chance to admire all the various Canadian landscapes.

Museum Getaway, CDMX

As a Mexican myself, I’ve always been amazed by my birth city; Mexico City is the 5th largest city in the World and it sure feels like it.